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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь - aps


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Перевод с английского языка aps на русский

I сокр. от aft propulsion system двигательная установка со стороны АО; хвостовая двигательная установка II сокр. от airbreathing propulsion system воздушно-реактивная двигательная установка
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См. в других словарях

  1) фин., амер. сокр. от Auction Preferred Stock 2) эк. сокр. от average propensity to save ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  veterin. abbr. American Physiological Society lab. abbr. Advance Photo System physiol. abbr. Absolutely Precious Skin physiol. abbr. Anti Phospholipid Syndrome physiol. abbr. Active Positive Symbiosis NASA abbr. Auxiliary Power System NASA abbr. Advanced Positioning Sensor NASA abbr. Acceleration And Pre Separation transport. abbr. Asset Positioning System transport. abbr. Airway Planning Standard transport. abbr. Active Point System transport. abbr. Auto Pilot System mil. abbr. Auxiliary Power System mil. abbr. Army Planning System mil. abbr. Afloat Pre-positioning Ship mil. abbr. Advanced Power System mil. abbr. ASARS Processing Segment mil. abbr. Advanced Planning System mil. abbr. Automatic Provisioning System mil. abbr. Automatic Point And Shoot univ. abbr. Applied Problem Solving univ. abbr. Academic Program Summary electron. abbr. American Physical Society electron. abbr. Analog Protection System electron. abbr. Advanced Power Stability electron. abbr. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Antennas and Propagation Society electron. abbr. Auxiliary Power System softw. abbr. Agenda Productivity Suite hardw. abbr. Active Pixel Sensors gen. comp. abbr. Advanced Production System gen. comp. abbr. All Processes Suspended gen. comp. abbr. Active Pixel Sensor gen. comp. abbr. Application Protection System gen. comp. abbr. Application Print Services network. abbr. Application Provider Services network. abbr. Aol Password Stealer network. abbr. Asynchronous Port Switch telec. abbr. Affordable Portable Services telec. abbr. Automatic Protection Switching media abbr. Advanced Photo System media abbr. All Programs And Sounds non-prof. org. abbr. Association For Practical Shooting educ. abbr. Ability Point Skill sport abbr. Air Precision Shooting law abbr. Adult Protective Services law abbr. Attending Physicians Statements gen. bus. abbr. Automated Process Scheduler gen. bus. abbr. Automated Planning And Scheduling gen. bus. abbr. Advanced Planning Systems gen. bus. abbr. Administration...
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